Manage Campuses

From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Manage Campuses link under Campus Management.

From the top right of the Manage Campuses page, Click on the Add Campus button to create a new campus.

The new campus form has five(5) fields.

  • Name: The name of the campus eg. Dansoman.
  • Code: The code name of the campus
  • Location: The location in which the campus can be found.
  • Campus Type: The type of campus. This setting has a dropdown with three main selections as follows.
    • Main
    • Admin
    • Academic
  • Status: Active or Inactive

Click on Save to confirm your actions.

For each added campus, the user can Edit or Delete them.

To Edit a campus, Click on the edit button icon.

Change the old entries from the Edit Campus form and click on the Save button.

To Delete a campus, Click on the delete button icon.

Click on the Delete Campus button from the modal popup to confirm your actions.