Evaluation Report
This feature will allow the user to view and export details of evaluated forms.
✑ From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Lecture Evaluation link under Assessment Management and then, on the Report link.

It comes with three(3) buttons to the top right of the page. Find Evaluation Report and Print and Export buttons.

✑ To find a new evaluation report, click on the Find Evaluation Report button. it has the following sections;

- Semester: Select the semester you want to work with.
- Course: Enter the course code you want to work with.
- User: Select the lecturer who was evaluated.
- Program: Select the program you want to work with.
- Level: Select the level from the list of levels available in the institution.
- Campus: Select the campus from the available campuses in the institution.
- Stream: Select the stream from the available stream in the institution.
- DOC: Specify the date of completion of the students who filled out the form.
- DOA: Specify the date of admission of the students who filled out the form.
For every evaluation report, the user can Print, and export to an Excel sheet.

✑ Click on the Print button to export the report as a PDF
✑ Click on the Export button to export the report to an Excel sheet