Evaluation Periods
This feature will allow the user setup periods that will guard the access to the evaluation forms.
✑ From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Lecture Evaluation link under Assessment Management and then, on the Evaluation Periods link.

It comes with two(2) buttons to the top right of the page. Find Evaluation Period and Add Evaluation Period.

To create a new evaluation period, click on the Add Evaluation Period. button. The Add evaluation modal has the following sections:

- Evaluation Form: Select the evaluation form you want to work with.
- Semester: Select the semester you want to work with.
- Start Date: Choose the start date of the evaluation period.
- End Date: Choose the end date of the evaluation period.
- Status: Set the status of the period. Choose Active or Inactive.
✑ To find an evaluation form, click on the Find Evaluation Period button. It presents the following fields;

- Evaluation Form;
- Semester;
- Start Date;
- End Date;
- Status;
NB: All fields are optional in the find option.
✑ To edit an evaluation period, click on the edit link under the modify button.

Edit the fields you want to work with.
✑ To delete an evaluation period, click on the delete link under the modify button.

✑ Click on the Delete Evaluation button to delete the period.