Course Grouping

Course Grouping is a feature that helps to group students based on factors that they share in common. This typically results in similar students being clustered as one class or assessment sheet.  

From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Course Grouping link under Registration Setup.

At the top right of the Course/Assessment Groups page, two buttons are available: Add Setting and Find Setting.

Click on the Add Setting button to set up the criteria for grouping students, and what method to use – whether Manual or Automatic. This opens a modal with the following fields;

  • Semester: This is a dropdown list showing all available semesters in OSIS.
  • Course: This is a dropdown search to enable users to search for a course for grouping.
  • Grouping Method: The grouping method is set to Automatic automatically.
    • The automatic method will allow for the grouping of students while registration is ongoing. The following criteria (multiples of them) can be used;
      • Campus:
      • Gender
      • Level
      • Major
      • Program
      • Stream
      • DOC
      • DOA
  • Quota Per Group: Enter the number of students you want in a group. eg. If there are 50 students, then enter 10 so that, there are 10 students in each group.
  • Max. Groups: Enter the number of groups you want. Eg. 5

Click on the Save Changes button to confirm actions. 

To search for a particular Group Setting, Click on Find Settings button and fill in the details for that schedule by;

  • Semester:
  • Course: 

Click on Find Settings button to confirm your actions, 

Click on Clear to clear all fields, 

Click on Close to close the modal.

All Find Course Group Setting fields are optional. Fill in as many as can help in narrowing down and click the Find Settings button. Clicking the Find Settings button with no entries will show all existing Group Settings.

For each added Course setting, the user can View Groups, Edit and Delete them.

To view groups created for a Course, click on View Groups button. This opens a modal showing all group names with its roll value.

The roll value shows the number of students in the group.

Click on the View Students button to show the details of students in that group. The details are as follows;

  • Reg No,
  • Student Name
  • DOC
  • Action: This field has a Move button for the purpose of moving selected students(Click the checkbox to select) to another group. 

User can move multiple Students, by checking the students’ checkboxes and clicking the Move Selected button at the top of the modal.

The process of moving students by clicking the Move or Move Selected button opens another modal with a dropdown list of other groups to move to.

Click the Move Selected button to confirm actions.

To edit a course group, click on the Edit button.

Change the old entries from the Edit Course Group Setting form and click on the Save Changes button. Pics

To Delete a course group, click on the Delete button icon.

Click on the Delete button from the modal popup to confirm your actions.

Click on the Reload button to refresh the Course group list.