Change Program

This feature helps the user to find and select a student in order to change his or her program.  

From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Change Program link under Student Management.

Search for the students you want to change their program. This opens a Change of Program page displaying the student’s current program.

On the top right of the Current Programmes page, there is a Change button.

Click on the Change button to open the modal showing details about the current program and with the following fields to edit.

  1. Campus: This is a dropdown of all added campuses set up by the institution. Check Manage Campuses to add campuses.
  2. Program Of Study: This is a dropdown of all added programs set up by the institution.. check Manage Programs to add programs.
  3.  Registration Number: Student Registration number
  4. Student Category: This is a dropdown of all added streams set up by the institution. Check Manage Streams to add streams.
  5.  Level: Dropdown list of all levels.
  6. Entry Mode: This is a dropdown of all entry modes set up by the school on OSIS. Check Manage Entry Modes to add entry modes.
  7.  Date of Admission: This has two dropdowns, MMM for months and YYYY for years. Select the month and year of admission.
  8.  Date of Completion: This has two dropdowns, MMM for months and YYYY for years. Select the month and year of completion.
  9. Entry Level: Select from the dropdown list the students’ entry-level.

Click on the Change Program button to confirm actions.