Add Student
This is for adding individual students to OSIS.
✑ From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Add Student link under Student Management.

The Add Student page has two main sections. Program Information and Personal Information:

1. Program Information: This field contains all the information about the program the student is registering for. Below are the key information needed;

- Program Of Study: This is a dropdown of all programs available in OSIS. check Manage Programs to add programs.
- Campus: This is a dropdown of all campuses available in OSIS. check Manage Campuses to add programs.
- Stream: This is a dropdown of all streams available in OSIS. check Manage Streams to add streams.
- Registration Number: Student Registration Number.
- Level: Dropdown list of all levels.
- Entry Level: Dropdown list of all levels. NB: The entry level cannot be greater than the student’s level.
- Date of Admission: This has two dropdowns, MMM for months and YYYY for years. Select the month and year of admission.
- Date of Completion: This has two dropdowns, MMM for months and YYYY for years. Select the month and year of completion.
2. Personal Information: This field contains all the information about the Student. Below are the key information needed:

- Name: Fill in all fields for the name.
- Birth Date: student’s date of birth.
- Gender: select students’ gender.
- Nationality: the nationality of the student.
- Email: Provide email.
- Gender: Choose the student’s gender
- Mobile number: Provide student phone number.
✑ Click on the Save Changes button to confirm actions.