Activity Logs
The activity log simply shows all activities of logged-in SIP(Student Information Portal) users. It helps keep track of whatever students do in SIP. It provides you with a Search Activities button, where authorized OSIS users can search by the following fields.
From the OSIS sidebar, Click on User Management to find the SIP Management. Click on the Activity Logs link.

At the top right of the SIP activity log page, there are two buttons, Search Activities, and Download CSV.

To search for SIP activities, click on the Search Activities button, which comes with the following fields namely;

- Log Group: A dropdown list of SIP major categories to find from. eg. Registration.
- Registration Number: Users can search with students registration numbers.
- Description Contains: Helps filter by specific text contents.
- Date Range: Helps filter all activities by range giving the Start Date and End Date.
Click on Search Logs to confirm actions.
NB: Search fields not required, so one can search without filling and form. This will show all SIP logs activities from the current date activities to past date activities.

Users can view details of each activity by clicking on the View Details button.