Applicants List

This feature enables OSIS users to find all applicants by their admission batches and also gives an option to view their profile information.

From the OSIS sidebar, Click on the Applicants List link under Admission Management.

At the top right of the Applicant List page, there are four buttons: Find Applicants, Compute Aggregate, Send Bulk Letters, and Export.

To search for a particular batch of applicants, click on the Find Applicants button and select the Admission Form from the dropdown. It comes with the following fields;

  • Admission Form: Choose the admission form from the dropdown list.
  • Temporary Number: Users can enter an applicant’s identification number in this field to perform their search.
  • Program: Users can also select a program they want to find. They also search by the options available to the applicants. E.g.: 1st choice, 2nd choice, etc.
  • Campus: Search by the campus the applicants are applying to.
  • Stream: Search by the Stream their applicants are coming in with.
  • Study Center: Search by the study center they’re applying to.
  • Applicant Source: Search by the source of the application. Either paper or online( coming to OSIS using our admission system).
  • Decision: Users can search by certain decisions only. 
  • Sort By: Select from the dropdown list the sort types either ascending or descending. Eg. Aggregate, Entrance Exam. 

NB: The Admission Form field is required. Fill in as many as can help in narrowing the search.

Click on the Find Applicant List button to confirm your actions.

You may click on Clear to clear all fields, or on Close to close the modal.

For each applicant, the user can view the Applicant Profile, Make a student, decide on the status of the applicant (Decision), and view their Offer Letter.

 Click on Save Changes to confirm your actions. 

To admit an applicant into their program, click on the blue down arrow button on the far right of their record and click on the DECISION button.

To admit, click on the Admit Into from the decision dropdown.

NB: By default, all applications come in with the decision of NONE.

This will open a modal window for the user to select the applicants’ program choice and entry-level.

 Click on the Admit button to admit.

NB: Users can also re-admit an admitted applicant. Click on the Re-admit Into for admitted applicants.

Also, to compute aggregate, click on the Compute Aggregate button. This opens a modal window with two(2) main steps.

Step One(1) – Admission Form: 

Select from the dropdown list the admission forms.

Click on the Next button. 

Step Two(2) – Re-computation Statistics:

This step gives statistics of,

  • Total Un-computed aggregate. 
  • Total Qualified for computation.
  • Total Unqualified (incomplete exams qualification).

Click on the Recompute button to compute or on the Prompt Applicant(s) button to prompt the affected applicants.

 Click on the Back button to go to the previous page.

NB: An SMS functionality has been implemented in the Admissions Module under the offer letter template set up on OSIS. This will enable text messages to be sent to applicants during the admission process. The SMS service is prepaid and the institution account has to be funded before SMSs can be sent out to applicants.

To send an SMS to applicants, click on the Preview Offer Letter button by an applicant’s record

 Click on the Offer Letter Template dropdown and select the template you want to work with.

Once on the template, click on the SMS Content tab. A preview of a sample SMS content page will follow.

To send the SMS to the applicant, click on the Send SMS button.

NB: This setup is from the SMS content setup under the Offer Letter Template setup.

To view the offer letter of admitted applicants, click on the Preview Offer Letter button and select the template from the dropdown list. 

An image of a sample offer letter will follow;

Click on Print to print the offer letter or, Send Mail to send to the applicant as an email.

To view the applicant profile, click on the blue button with the down arrow then, click on the Full Details link to take you to the applicant’s profile.

Applicant Profile

The applicant profile page displays all the information about the applicant. On the upper part of the applicant profile page, some information about the applicant is shown. This part also has three(3) buttons namely;

A. Admit button:

Click on the Admit button to admit an applicant into a program, put an applicant on a waitlist, invite them for an interview, disqualify their application, invite them for entrance exams, put them on awaiting decision, mark their application as incomplete, readmit them into another program, or deny them admission.

B. Print Application button:

Click on the Print application button to print the profile of the student.

C. Edit Profile button:

 Click on the Edit Profile button to edit the following fields of the selected applicant information:

  • Name
  • Birth Date.
  • Gender.
  • Nationality.
  • Email
  • Entry Mode
  • Mobile Number
  • Campus
  • Stream
  • Admission Batch.

The applicant profile information has been separated into the following categories.

  1. Programs.
  2. Education.
  3. Employment.
  4. Attachments.
  5. Answers. 
  6. Guardian. 
  7. Contacts & Identities.
  8. Hall.
  9. Referees.
  10. Photos.
  11. Additional Information.

Programs: The programs tab displays all the choices of programs selected by the applicant.

Education: The education tab displays the educational background of the applicant.

Employment: The employment tab displays an applicant’s employment history.

Attachments: The Attachments tab displays all the applicant documents required by the institution. This can be the applicant’s birth certificate, voter identification, etc.

Click on the view button to view the file.

Answers: The answer tab displays answers to questions required by the institution. These questions are set by the institution to examine applicants.

Guardian: The guardian tab simply displays the applicant’s guardian information.

Contacts & Identities: The contact and identity tab displays information about the applicant and details about his or her identity.

Hall: The hall tab simply displays the applicant’s hall.

Referees: The referee tab displays the applicant’s referee(s).

Photos: The Photos tab displays all photos of the applicant.

Additional information: The additional information tab displays other information about the applicant. Eg. the applicant’s hometown, the applicant’s language spoken, etc.

Send Bulk Letters

This feature allows the user to send offer letters in bulk to applicants via email.

Once the Send Bulk Letter button is clicked on, a form is brought up with three sections:

  • Filter Applicants
  • Applicant List
  • Send Letters

A. Filter Applicants:

This section contains the following fields:

  • Admission Form: A dropdown of all admission forms set up by the institution.
  • Decision: A list of admission decisions available in the institution.
  • Offer Letter: The list of offer letters is set up based on the admission decisions.
  • Program(s): The list of available programs in the institution. The limited number of programs that can be selected is ten(10).
  • Stream(s): The available streams in the school.
  • Campus(es): The available campuses in the school.
  • Nationality: The nationality types in OSIS. Choose either local or foreign.
  • Study Center: The study centers available in the school.
  • Auto Assign Templates: Toggle this button on to automatically offer templates to applicants in each batch based on the template parameters. (eg. program, campus, etc. ). Not toggling this button will include applicants who have been assigned templates in the search as well.

B. Applicant List:

This list contains applicants who were fetched based on parameters selected in the Filter Applicants section.

It presents the following details of the applicant(s):

  • Name: The full name of the applicant(s).
  • Email: The email of the applicant(s).
  • Phone No: The phone of the applicant(s).
  • Offered Program: The program offered to the applicant(s).
  • Campus: The campus of the applicant(s).
  • Stream: The stream of the applicant(s).

C. Send Letters: This step gives you the total number of applicants who will receive the offer letter.

Click on the Send Letters button to confirm your actions.

Click on the Back button to go back to the previous step.

Click on the Cancel button to revert your actions.


The export button contains three options.

  • Print List
  • Export
  • Print Bulk Letters

To Print a particular applicant list, click on the Print button.

To export an applicant list to Excel, click on the Export button.

To print offer letters in bulk, click on the Print Bulk Letters button. It brings up three sections. They are:

  • Filter Applicants
  • Applicant List
  • Print Letters

A. Filter Applicants. It has the following fields:

  • Admission Form.
  • Decision.
  • Offer Letter.
  • Program(s).
  • Stream(s).
  • Campus(es).
  • Nationality.
  • Study Center.

B. Applicant List:

This list contains applicants who were fetched based on parameters selected in the Filter Applicants section.

It presents the following details of the applicant(s):

  • Name: The full name of the applicant(s).
  • Email: The email of the applicant(s).
  • Phone No: The phone of the applicant(s).
  • Offered Program: The program offered to the applicant(s).
  • Campus: The campus of the applicant(s).
  • Stream: The stream of the applicant(s).

C. Print Letters: This step gives you the total number of applicants who will have their offer letters printed.

Click on the Print Letters button to confirm your actions.

Click on the Back button to go back to the previous step.

Click on the Cancel button to revert your actions.