1. Click on Assessment Management on the side menu.
  2. Make a click on the Assessments link.
  3. Search for a sheet by clicking on the Find Assessment Sheets button on the right side of the Assessment Sheets page.
  4. A search window would pop up requiring you to do a search by the semester, course, course group (selecting the semester and course would populate the course group field), grading scheme, sheet status, and staff. Clicking on the Find Sheet without entering any search parameter would only return all sheets available.
  5. Let’s assume we want to do a search by the semester. We go ahead to select a semester.
  6. Sheets in that particular semester are brought up.
  7. Sheets that have not been assigned to a lecturer are either Unassigned, with the Faculty or have been published.
    NB: The Faculty can decide to re-assign the sheet to a lecturer if there are any discrepancies and once a sheet has been published, it cannot be assigned to a lecturer. Hence, the assessment manager cannot assign sheets with the statuses of Faculty or Published to a lecturer.
  8. To assign an Unassigned sheet to a lecturer, move to the rightward side of the search results and look for the Assign button.
  9. It should be bright green. Click on it.
  10. An Assign Sheet modal would pop up.
  11. This modal would contain details of the course, course grouping, campus, stream, date of completion, and the registration type of the students taking that course.
  12. There is an Assign To field where you can search for a lecturer to assign the sheet to.
  13. Click on Assign to confirm your actions.
  14. After the sheet has been successfully assigned to a lecturer, the lecturer’s name would appear under the Assigned To field on the same row as part of the selected sheet.
  15. After this, the Assign button however would change to a Re-Assign button which would give one the option to either Unassign the sheet or assign that sheet to a different lecturer where the need be.